Resources and Marketing

What is Happening in Summer 2024:

In Summer 2024, we’ll be digging into the book of Daniel! This will round out the Old Testament, and be year 4 of 7 going through the Bible in our summer curriculum. We’re going to learn what it means to be citizens of two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Man and the Kingdom of God. The book of Daniel explores this predicament as God’s people are living in exile in a pagan nation, which displays a set of beliefs foreign to those in God’s word. As exiles, their call to holiness was threatened with hostility. God’s promises were pressed by persecution, and their faith was literally tested in flames. In this current culture, living in the Kingdom of Man, we must be like a man on the moon - careful, adventurous, strategic, and hopeful. We must maintain our lifeline in a land that threatens our survival, not be afraid to be adventurous to try new things, love the people around us, be strategic in the way we engage and contribute to society, and be hopeful for the coming of God’s kingdom, our true home!

Speakers and Bands

Ian O'Donnell

Ian O'Donnell

Session 1

Worship by Wes Taylor

Ian O'Donnell

Ian O'Donnell

Session 2

Worship by Wes Taylor

Blair Cushman

Blair Cushman

Session 3

Worship by Jadon Parker

Stephen Gregory

Stephen Gregory

Session 4

Worship by Jadon Parker

Speaker Details Coming Soon

Speaker Details Coming Soon

Session 5

Worship by Jadon Parker

Tyler Ussery

Tyler Ussery

Session 6

Worship with Jadon Parker

Speaker Details Coming Soon

Speaker Details Coming Soon

Session 7

Worship with Leandro Reis

Gavin Papit

Gavin Papit

Session 8

Worship with Michael Rafferty

Lacy Abercrombie

Lacy Abercrombie

Session 9

Worship by Jadon Parker

Lacy Abercrombie

Lacy Abercrombie

Session 10

Worship by Jadon Parker

Zakk Ravelle

Zakk Ravelle

Session 11

Worship with Seasons Worship

Chris Hurt

Chris Hurt

Session 12

Worship with Seasons Worship

Nick W.

Nick W.

Group Camp Director

Callie K.

Callie K.

Group Camp Assistant Director



Alex R.

Alex R.

Group Camp Assistant Director



Have a question?

Give us a call or send us an email! We are happy to help you and your group have the best camp experience ever!